Templates & Demos

Benerator UI brings powerful demos and ready-to-use templates for various use-cases to kick start your data project.

Project Manager

Manage Benerator projects easily and access them fast. Or why not invite your coworkers to collaborate.

Support & Training

Access support and training material, as well as the Benerator manual or our best practices collection from inside the Benerator UI. We make sure you get the most out of our smart tool to generate data for your scenarios.

User Profiles & System Management

Manage your user profile or manage the Benerator. Depending on your user role, retrieve insights about your Benerator instance, configure system tasks for housekeeping and maintenance, or control instance-wide data workflows. The Benerator API is available to integrate with your custom tooling.


Benerator UI guides you best to create your Benerator descriptor file for data processing. With syntax support, it is a straightforward and simple process to annotate the powerful XML files that Benerator turns into realistic sets of data for any use-case.


Take advantage of context-sensitive autocompletion and plenty of benerator snippets during the creation of your beneration model and workflows. Use excel-like features to edit your business data in the powerful GUI.

Editor Features

Perform search and replace operations like in your favourite editor.

Language Support

Benefit of syntax highlighting for multiple languages (e.g. Python, Java, FTL, SQL, JS) that are supported by Benerator. Simply re-use your programming code for individual processing of your data: there is no problem to use your individual encryption or decryption algorithms when generating data (e.g. for handling credit card records).

Efficient File Control

The editor view includes the ability to rename, download, and delete files, streamlining data management and improving efficiency for organizing, exporting, and removing data.

Auto-generate Benerator models

Benerator has the capability to automatically generate models from databases or JSON structures while taking care of database relationships and indexes. It simplifies data filling and anonymization. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures the accuracy and integrity of the generated data.


It’s a free collection of tips we don’t share elsewhere.
Learn first-hand insights on tricks and tweaks for your test data project! Not sure? Try now:


Start and test run your data workflows in real-time.


Get immediate results and access your preview data, logs and more.

Table preview

Benerator UI let you preview and check the generated and processed data. Dynamically select the tables or files you like to preview and validate your intended result.

JSON preview

Previewing data in JSON format with up to 3 nested data structure levels simplifies validation and improves accuracy, especially for those working with complex data sets in Benerator.

Create new projects from various sources

Benerator offers several options for creating projects. Create projects from scratch or build upon a range of templates for education, finance, logistics and further use-cases.


Check out existing projects from git. Add your coworkers and collaborate on your Benerator projects.

Upload project archives

Simple drag-and-drop upload of project archives. Users can easily create new projects using existing archives, saving time and streamlining workflow.

Add User

Benerator supports collaborating on data projects. Assign users to your project and work together on creating the best data set for your software testing.

Remove User

Though it’s more fun to work together, users can also be removed from projects.


Analyze process logs in real-time and get advanced guidance on any script errors.

Download and Search

Search your logs on-the-fly or just download Benerator output from any of your tasks or projects. Search highlighting helps you to easily identify potential issues and prevent errors.


Compare multiple BENERATION tasks and download beneration results.

Multi-Format Artifact Download

Users can download and view task artifacts in multiple formats such as JSON, SQL, and CSV. It enables users to analyze and manage generated test data with greater flexibility, streamlining data management and analysis.


Start, schedule and manage multiple BENERATION jobs (cronjobs) within your application landscape. (e.g. nightly obfuscation of production data and distribution to test environment)

Flexible Environment Configuration

Benerator’s environment management allows users to configure multiple environments, including MongoDB, Kafka, and databases. This provides users with greater flexibility in testing and enables them to simulate various environments easily.


Kafka settings cover most high-priority properties. Additionally, users can create custom properties to further customize their environment. This feature provides users with greater flexibility and control over their environment, allowing them to simulate a wide range of scenarios and improve the accuracy of their test data.


MongoDB settings in Benerator’s environment management provide users with a range of configuration options to customize their environment. In addition Benerator also allows users to create custom properties to further customize their environment.


Benerator provides a Benchmark Tool to assess and compare the performance of a typical generation or anonymization approach.

Job Scheduling (Cron)

Benerator Jobs can be scheduled and run whenever you want. The crontab support allows to start your data processing at your intended time of the day, hourly, every 5 minutes and more.


Benerator runs processes continuously (e.g. data anonymization/masking on-the-fly in a Kafka pipeline). Benerator UI supports configurable timeouts, too.

Would you like to have a brief introduction to Benerator?

Make an appointment with our test data specialists. We will be happy to introduce you to Benerator.

BENERATOR – Start using The Test Data Tool now

Get BENERATOR for your enterprise and solve your test data challenges. The rapiddweller BENERATOR Team supports your BENERATOR introduction with test data consulting for a smooth start. Trust our consultants and their expertise to conquer your complex scenarios.

How Benerator UI helps you:

Do you like to kickstart your benerator usage?

Benerator UI is already setup and ready to use. Get BENERATOR UI now and start benerating your test data today.

Do you struggle with Benerator Community Edition?

No problem – Benerator is a very powerful tool but might require some time to get started. We created Benerator UI to guide you through the first steps and help you along with your advanced use cases. Ready-to-use examples and project templates along with our best practices from countless projects let you kickstart your Benerator project.

We do more for you!

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Do you want to know, how we can make your testing process a success with Benerator?

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