Shape Your Test Data Universe

Generate, anonymize, and migrate with Benerator’s
model-driven data toolkit







Generate data

  • Describe your data model on an abstract level in XML
  • Involve your business people as no developer skills are necessary
  • Use a wide range function library to fake realistic data
  • Write your own extensions in Javascript or Java
  • Integrate your data processes into Gitlab CI or Jenkins
Benerator makes data generation smart and fast

Anonymize and Pseudonymize data

  • Define processes to anonymize or pseudonymize data in plain XML on abstract level without the need of developer skills
  • Stay GDPR compliant with your data and protect the privacy of your customers
  • Mask and obfuscate sensitive data for BI, test, development or training purposes
  • Combine data from various sources (subsetting) and keep the data integrity
Anonymize your production data with Benerator easily

Migrate data

  • Migrate and transform your data in multisystem landscapes
  • Reuse your testing data models to migrate production environments
  • Keep your data consistent and reliable in a microsystem architecture
Migrate your data with Benerator and reuse your development models

Get started with the new
Benerator UI

Modern Editor

Take advantage of context-sensitive autocompletion. Checkout, commit, and reset your project with integrated git.


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Business and smart test data handling
with Benerator

Benerator is a leading software solution to generate, anonymize, pseudonymize and migrate data for development, testing and training purposes.

Benerator is easy to learn, integrates into CI Tools like Jenkins and Gitlab CI and allows to create datamodels on the most abstract level without coding knowledge.

  • Benerator has a user rating of 4.8/5 and
    more than 50,000 downloads
    on, Download Stats API

  • Top 10 Test Data Generation Tools:
    Benerator is enlisted as one of
    the most popular Test Data Generation tools that are available in the
    market, 2020

  • Benerator is the perfect choice for creating consistent and complex test
    data synthetically or anonymized from production environments. The new
    BeneratorUI closes a long overdue gap.

    Tim Lafferenz, Leading Test Expert

    A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S

Learn more in our BENERATOR manual

Learn simply more about BENERATOR, the powerful BENERATOR UI, and our BENERATOR packages to shape your test data universe smart and safely. We provide guidance, code snippets, and more to get you started fast with a steep learning curve. Get your BENERATOR handout and start benerating now.

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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Learn how Benerator helps you to generate data smart

How to create complex data for testing?

Benerator combines complex testdata from various source systems and enriches your data synthetically (synthetic test data generation). Run realistic and production like test scenarios that light up shortcomings and requirement issues before going live.

How to be compliant to GDPR laws?

Create GDPR compliant testdata for all levels of your software development process with Benerator that is safe and realistic. Decide which data objects need anonymization and build your proper set of production like test data.

How to create test data for microservices in cloud environments?

Benerate (Generate) suitable test data for your distributed systems smart and create consistent mock systems with dummy data or anonymized production data from production environments.

How to create large amounts of data?

Automate your generation process of data and benerate large data volumes in short time for complex test scenarios. Do not struggle with data aging, as you can create massive sets from scratch for every test run. Benerator is your smart and fast faker.

How to create test data for load tests, performance tests and unit tests?

Benerator is your data generation tool for load testsperformance testsunit teststest automation and business tests.
Optimized high performance smart beneration of your quality data allows creation in your continuous integration pipelines per test execution.

How to obfuscate or mask your production data?

Benerator obfuscates private and sensitive data with a broad range of built-in generators. Replace sensitive items easily with valid but synthetic data, that looks, behaves and feels like production data. Create realistic data sets smart and safe.

How to mimic and create real-world data?

Benerators built-in generators support a wide-range of distributions, to mimic datasets that reflects reality. Use percentages, stochastic formulas like Gaussian, Exponential or define custom distributions according to your needs.
Use-case: Create a customer base that is equally distributed over the US => Benerator will create persons along with valid addresses and distributes them over the US considering your individual setup parameters like state/city population, gender, age and many more.

How to use data from multiple databases / sources (subsetting)?

Benerator creates valid subsets from multiple databases (referential integrity assured) for your testing or migration work. You can also use custom SELECTS to fine-tune your data slice.

How to migrate your production data?

Benerator models can be reused in many steps of your software development life cycle. You can reuse your data model from building your mock system to migrate your production system. Benerator handles your data smart and safe.

We’ve evolved! Explore our new solution, rapiddweller DATAMIMIC, for advanced test data generation powered by AI. Click here to learn more.
Introducing rapiddweller DATAMIMIC: The Next Generation of Test Data Generation
We’ve evolved! Explore our new solution, rapiddweller DATAMIMIC, for advanced test data generation powered by AI. Click here to learn more.
Introducing rapiddweller DATAMIMIC: The Next Generation of Test Data Generation